Testing areas
With the regulations of the IMO in mind (D2 Standard), the Ballast Water Test Kits will provide simple and accurate testing for:
- E.Coli Bacteria
- Enterococci Bacteria
- Cholerae (O1 / O139)
- Salinity
- Viability of organism
– 50 μm or above
– 10 μm or above
Test for E.Coli Bacteria, Enterococci Bacteria and Cholerae are included in the Ballast Water Test Kit I and in every other Test Kit.
The Ballast Water Test Kit II is additionally equipped with a Salinity Refractometer to measure salt in seawater and two zoo-plankton filter tests. One test is for plankton starting at 10 µm and the second for plankton bigger than 50 µm.
The test for salt in seawater is also included in the Ballast Water Test Kit III. In this kit the zooplankton will not be measured with filters but with a digital handheld Fluorometer.
Rapid analysis
In addition, we provide The Rapid Ballast Water Validation Test Kit. It provides a simple rapid method for determining the efficacy of ballast water treatment systems.
Our validation kit provides ship operators, Port State Control (PSC), and other compliance officers with a simple, effective tool to assess the risk of discharging ballast water.